Friday, May 22, 2020
Exploring The Wild West Lewis And Clark Expedition
Exploring the Wild West: Lewis and Clark Expedition Kenzie Cvar 2nd period 11-20-2014 Romero DUAL Within the time period of 1801- 1809 Thomas Jefferson was President and participated in the Louisiana Purchase. America bought 820,000 square miles from France. (All land that stretched from the Mississippi river, in total 15 states were bought from the purchase.) With this amount of un-known land, Jefferson called for an exploration and hired Meriwether Lewis, Jefferson’s secretary, due to his penmanship and frontiersman skills. Lewis grew up in Virginia and served in the United States Army along with William Clark. When Lewis was asked to command the expedition he then appointed Clark to be leader along with him. Clark also grew up in Virginia, and was known for his skills in map making and guiding the men. Jefferson was hoping to find a waterway connecting the Colombia and Missouri Rivers, by doing this the waterways would then connect the Pacific Ocean and the Mississippi River. Thus making trade across America more productive. Because of the Louisiana Purchase America desired to understand their land to not only adapt to it, but to use it in the most effective way. Within this necessary journey, men risk their lives to shape and educate America through their documentation kept and inspiring story. The Lewis and Clark expedition first started with Thomas Jefferson bringing the journey up to the United States Congress. He brought theShow MoreRelatedEssay The Lewis and Clark Expedition905 Words  | 4 PagesJefferson to map, explore, and compile information on the land just bought through the Louisiana Purchase, Captain Meriwether Lewis and 2nd Lieutenant William Clark set off on one of the greatest expeditions of all time. This paper will explore what adversities were faced on the Corp of Discoveries. From militant Indians to diseases like dysentery, they faced it all. And as Captain Lewis documented, â€Å"We went as close to hell as you can go in this lifetime.†(11.Perry) On April 30, 1803, the United StatesRead MoreLewis And Clark s Impact On The United States1480 Words  | 6 PagesLewis And Clark Expedition The exploration of Lewis and Clark into the Louisiana Purchase had a great impact on the United States. During the exploration, they encountered Native American tribes, who exchanged items with them, and new species of plants and animals. The expedition of Lewis and Clark began on May 21,1804. Meriwether Lewis was born on August 18, 1774 in Albemarle County, Virginia. Lewis met Clark in 1795 in the army. Lewis was asked to be Thomas Jefferson’s private secretary in 1801Read MoreHow Did America Get So Big?2310 Words  | 10 Pagesunknown land? Her name is Sacagawea and more than 200 years ago she accompanied Lewis and Clark during their expedition. The explorers traveled across the Northwest of America bb because the land was new. When the explorers were hungry, she found them food to eat. When they met Indians along the way, she acted as a translator. Thanks to Sacagawea the Lewis and Clark expedition was a success. The Lewis and Clark expedition changed American history .It helped the United States of America settle a hugeRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 Pageslove and encouragementâ€â€my parents (Samuel and Charlotte), my wife (Mary), my sons and their wives (Kevin and Dawn, Robert and S ally) and their children (Ryan, Carly, Connor and Lauren). C.F.G. â€Å"We must not cease from exploration and the end of all exploring will be to arrive where we begin and to know the place for the first time.†T. S. Eliot To Ann whose love and support has brought out the best in me. And, to our girls Mary, Rachel, and Tor-Tor for the joy and pride they give me. Finally, to myRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. 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More details can be found in Exhibit 2. On a longer term, the expansion of tourism seemed to be a mega-trend shaping the future of the world economy and activity. The WTO forecasted that the 1 billionRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagescriticism, and (d) two to four examples of good reasoning. 4. For the following hypothetical situation, state what decision you recommend and why you recommend it. Weigh the pros and cons, and describe your process of weighing the pros and cons. A West Virginia radio telescope recently detected an unusual signal beamed in our direction from somewhere across the Milky Way galaxy. After six months of study by the worlds best scientists, it is agreed that the signal comes from an intelligent source
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Unusual Article Uncovers the Deceptive Practices of Expository Essay Examples
Unusual Article Uncovers the Deceptive Practices of Expository Essay Examples How to Find Expository Essay Examples on the Web Perhaps the conclusion paragraph ought to be certain to discuss problems. An expository essay ought to be explaining the subject matter with facts instead of opinions. It ought to be direct to the point and the statement needs to be in a position to answer a particular question. You should restate your most important points and earn an overview of those. Expository Essay Examples Secrets Narrative essays are told from a defined point of view, frequently the author's, thus there is feeling and specific and frequently sensory details given to find the reader involved with the elements and sequence of the story. Don't forget that although the principal part of a narrative is the story, details have to be carefully selected to support, explain, and boost the story. The key issue is to learn from the experience and apply the feedback to create the next e ssay better. A good example provides you with a more accurate idea of the idea of expository writing. More than every other sort of writing, expository writing is a daily requirement of the majority of careers. You won't ever know which assembly will enhance the course of the business. If you've already graduated from college or university and are looking for an excellent job, you want to get a persuasive resume to impress your future employer. Expository Essay Examples Explained Take the time to look up words and concepts that you don't understand. Therefore, to compose a great essay you need to brainstorm all thoughts concerning your life experiences. The topic may be a concrete subject like an animal or tree, or it may be an abstract term, such as freedom or love. Persons entering the subject of animal abuse in circuses essay writer work will often say they need to aid others. The Fundamentals of Expository Essay Examples Revealed Body paragraphs reveal the principal events explained in the essay. Make certain you write your essay on the appropriate page of lines so that it's graded. Creating connection inside your essay is crucial. Nowadays it is extremely hard to locate a trustworthy essay writing service. A narrative essay is permissive in terms of selecting the topic. Writing a great narrative essay is dependent mostly on this issue you chose. It is tough to make an expository essay informative enough employing a generalized topic and expository papers are intended to be highly informative. The second essential essay on the ap world history exam is all about the change over time and continuity of a bigger global issue on a specific. Don't forget that even though narrative essays seem a very simple undertaking, it remains an assignment that should be ready on time. The best suited way of handling an essay project can't be determined till you receive the guidelines in hand. If you simply write down the principles of the assignment, you could lose out on some essential points. Essay writing provides lots of benefits to students in the academe. Narrative essays serve a wide range of purposes. A narrat ive essay is regarded to be among the most popular forms of tasks that students get all too often. Descriptive Essay on Market can be employed by tourists or visitors that don't have any prior understanding of a marketplace. The Key to Successful Expository Essay Examples Technical meetings are really important measures from the development strategy. Speaking about elections it's very important to point out the Electoral College. Templates like Descriptive Essay about Office can be helpful for someone who's planning to pay a visit to an office. The History of Expository Essay Examples Refuted It is a lot more interesting to really recreate an incident for readers than to just tell about doing it. You can proceed and ask another person to go through your essay so that you receive an original look at it. You've got to let your readers engage in your writing by giving them an extremely intriguing purpose that they'll wonder what's going to happen next and what's the ending of your story. A lead might be an intriguing statement that you may utilize to lure your readers into reading. Let's aim for around ten paragraphs. There are struggles that could easily be eliminated when you're in the early phases of writing your personal narrative essay. At times, however, a narrative isn't about such primary topics. Look out for paragraph sprawl, which happens when the writer loses focus and veers from the subject by introducing unnecessary specifics. What Is So Fascinating About Expository Essay Examples? There are several methods about how to compose an expository essay. Think of what you will discuss in your essay to assist you determine what you ought to put in your introduction. Most expository essay examples are finished in third individual. Personal narrative essay examples are commonly available free of charge on the web. A good thesis statement results in a good essay. Fourthly, one needs to adhere to a particular goal of writing in a narrative essay. When you compose a narrative essay, you're telling a story. The main point to be cautious about in personal descriptive essay is that there shouldn't be any over-exaggeration.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Racial Crimial Profiling Free Essays
RACIAL AND CRIMINAL PROFILING An Assessment of RACIAL AND CRIMINAL PROFILING Cultural Diversity in Criminal Justice RACIAL AND CRIMINAL PROFILING 1 As many issues and concerns arise in our everyday lives, it is often difficult to overlook many of the horrific and tragic situations of today’s law enforcement. Regardless of what profession you may be in there are always ways to make improvements to it. A few of the future and emerging issues that I feel that leaders in the criminal justice system need to address are racial profiling and criminal profiling which each can create a mistrust within a department and violate the civil liberties of citizens. We will write a custom essay sample on Racial Crimial Profiling or any similar topic only for you Order Now When events such as these begin to surface in the media and within our communities, questions begin to arise about the tendencies of our police agencies. Racial profiling or racially biased form of policing (especially recently in the United States), is any police action initiated on the mere basis of race, ethnicity, or national origin of a suspect. This is a form of discrimination that is used to target the ethnic, minority communities. Profiling in law enforcement occurs when government agencies and officials decide to investigate a person on suspicion, and the detained suspect committed an illegal offense, based solely on their ethnicity and racial identity. Arrest should be determined and made on the behavior of that individual or on information that leads police to a particular individual that has been identified as being, or having been engaged in some type of criminal activity. Racial profiling was an issue that arose over 40 years ago and has resurfaced as a bigoted practice unworthy of the law enforcement professional. It has been and should continue to be widely condemned as contrary to the basic ethical principles. Furthermore, such particular type of action weakens the public’s confidence in the police, thus decreasing police – citizen trust and cooperation. Racial or ethnic indicators associated with a particular suspect or suspected groups may have place in legitimate law enforcement strategies if they accurately relate to the offenders who are being sought for criminal law violations. The example I chose to support my information about racial profiling is RACIAL AND CRIMINAL PROFILING 2 the incident that surrounded the African-American Harvard Professor, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. , who was arrested at his home by a white police officer. It was in an upscale community and neighbor observed two black males on the porch; she assumed they were burglars and proceeded to notify the authorities. A white officer came to the home of Mr. Gates who had recently returned from a trip from China, who questioned and then arrested him. He later realized that the Professor was the homeowner and was behaving suspiciously because he was frustrated and fatigue because he could not immediately locate his keys once he arrived at his home from his trip. This was clearly racial profiling and the professor â€Å"fit the profile of a thug†, but he was in did not the picture of being prestigious enough to reside in such an upscale resident also. Hopefully someday society and law enforcement will not judge a person by the color of their skin when making arrest within our communities. It is often difficult not to revert back to what we have seen on the various criminal-investigative shows when we discuss certain issues with our colleagues, but actual investigators would not use that type of protocol to jeopardize their cases. Criminal profiling should consist of an analogy used by the police while on a scene combined with the details gathered to form an overall conceptual finding of a perpetrator. This is not a concrete method of capturing a criminal, but it will certainly narrow down the persons of interest that are being pursued. It will also assist to develop some form of similarities between the various crimes that may be occurring in a particular area, the time the incidents are occurring may be a factor, as well as the specific victim being targeted in the situations. Some may not think that this may not be of any importance, but I know that this form of profiling could be essential if it is used properly because the criminal often â€Å"gets sloppy and let’s their guard down†and normally this is when they are RACIAL AND CRIMINAL PROFILING 3 pprehended. Investigators who deal with violent crime are somewhat experienced with criminal profiling and are behavioral psychologists whose sole job is to profile the criminal mind. â€Å"For example, one of the purposes of the FBI’s Behavioral Science Unit is criminal profiling, and they employ agents who are considered experts at understanding and predicting the minds and behavior of these criminals. The BSU within the FBI is also responsibl e and accountable for training new agents and researching criminal behavior. It is imperative that all involved are mindful that criminal profiling should not be used solely to identify and capture criminals. In case, you might have twelve or more suspects who â€Å"profile†are all alike, which means that other investigative techniques must be used to identify the real executor. As a matter of fact, to investigate a horrendous crime, is hard and strenuous work. Criminal profiling provides assistance to the detectives with understanding the modus operandi, or the motivation and the habits of brutal killers and sex offenders. There are four individual areas of investigation that criminal profiling uses and they are antecedent, method, disposal and post offense areas. These areas range from what caused the offender to initially commit the crime, what type of violence was used with each crime, what did he do with the victims afterwards, and how should to how their behavior should ultimately be observed. Three names are well-known in Canada for the atrocious crimes each of them committed, Clifford Olson, Paul Bernardo and Robert Pickton. Olson raped and murdered 11 young boys and girls before he was apprehended. Bernardo raped at least 18 young women but wasn’t caught until he murdered three more. Pickton has been found guilty for the murder of 26 women, but claims to have killed 49. There were signs and similarities that linked the victims and the individuals responsible together. Serial criminals often follow a certain victim guideline RACIAL AND CRIMINAL PROFILING 4 and pursue specific fantasies or rituals with their victims. Police forces long have recognized that serial criminals tend to follow patterns, use particular weapons or methods, and target similar victims†(Dept of Justice, Canada, 2011). In my opinion, I don’t think it is even possible to ever know why some individuals are wired the way they are; it is and will always be a mystery to why certain crimes are committed. RACIAL AND CRIMINAL PROFILING 6 References http://criminal. lawyers. com/Criminal-Law-Basics/The-Criminal-Profiling-Process. html http://www. victimsofviolence. on. ca/rev2/index. php? option=com_content=view=336=26 How to cite Racial Crimial Profiling, Papers
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